
Showing posts from October, 2017

Bob's River Place

Bob's River Place                     What certainly isn’t a member of the Florida springs, it definitely is as unique as them. Located on the Suwannee River, deep in the middle of Florida, this place is only for thrill seekers and a place for you to almost blow out your eardrum.             It’s an old time hang out spot, free from cell phone signal and any modern day electronics. The only amenities are an outhouse and numerous rope swings and metal slides that launch you off into the black water.   It’s certainly a well-known secret to the masses, but not enough to where you can go on any major holidays.             Built by Bob him self, he sits out in an old plastic chair watching everyone enjoy his masterpiece. Lines for the high rope swings can get long but they’re certainly entertaining to stand in. Watching people do insane flips off the ropes can make you a little jealous to try and do them yourself. But be careful not to get overly confident, just because you’

Itchetucknee Springs State Park

   Itchetucknee Springs State Park             Have you ever felt the insane cold numb every single part of your body after your own brother pushed you into a 72-degrees spring? If not and you would like to experience such frostbite, Itchetucknee Springs State Park is the place to go!             Deep in the middle of nowhere Florida, lays a place that way too many people know about and beautiful manatees swimming along as you float beside them and little dragonflies land on your knees. If you get there really early, you may be able to experience the crystal clear waters of this natural lazy river and the serene calmness of the deep trenches in the spring, before Bill and Susan arrive with their 214 kids.             But don’t worry, those kids wont be Snapchatting the muddy black water they churned up because there is no cell service for miles and if they lose their brand new iPhone 7’s in the water, they’ll have to wait for a new one to arrive, and they just don’t have

Ginnie Springs

Ginnie Springs             Next on the Florida Springs series is Ginnie Springs. Located on the Santa Fe River in High Springs, Florida, it has one of the clearest spring waters in Florida. This place should definitely be on everyone’s bucket list for destinations whether you’re with your family, or getting away with your friends, you will definitely cut you off from your phone and all modern technologies.             It certainly is a hike to get from the entrance to the beginning of the river, however it is the most relaxing tube ride I have personally ever experienced. Be careful to not float past the main attractions, for these 5 hidden springs are easy to miss. But once you find them, be sure to spend a long time underwater. Scuba diving and snorkeling are available and it’s the best way to see these springs the deep trenches and crystal clear water.             But, to truly experience this amazing park, camping is the way to go. The park is open 24 hours to campers and

Devil's Den Prehistoric Spring

                                          Devil's Den Prehistoric Spring             What seems like it would belong in a Pirates of the Caribbean movie, this spring will leave you in awe. Don’t be timid at the sound of the name, for it is just a title. Deep down a prehistoric cave, lies a blue and cold spring that looks like a place of only fairytales. On cold mornings, one can see steam rising out of the hole in the ground like a chimney; it’s certainly a sight to see.             Located in Williston, Florida, the closest thing to a cell phone service is the old payphone out by the bathrooms of the main office, after that there is nothing that is going to interrupt your walk with the Devil.             Only open to snorkelers and scuba divers in training, it is hidden under a thick layer of rock and soil. The only way to access the spring is to take a long journey down two flights of stairs and into the earth. The cave opens up to the most beautiful shade of blue and th

Downtown Gainesville, Florida

Gainesville, Florida Everyone claimed that college was the best 4 years of their lives, well, what would you say if I told you that you could relive it? There is a constant rivalry in Florida, between the Gold and Garnet of Florida State University and the Blue and Orange of University of Florida. You identified with one team or the other, there was never an in between. The rivalry continued far into adulthood and alum still fight hard when it comes game time. I have to admit, I am a Seminole fan. Mainly because I like the colors better, but my mom would chop my head off if I ever told her I was moving to the dark side. Though, I will admit downtown Gainesville is a hell of a lot of fun. Rooted deep in the absolute middle of nowhere, the lady on Google Maps will start to buffer as you get closer and closer. University Boulevard splits the town from school and real life. One side is a long history covered in Spanish moss and Florida Brick, the other is one of the be