Bob's River Place

Bob's River Place

             What certainly isn’t a member of the Florida springs, it definitely is as unique as them. Located on the Suwannee River, deep in the middle of Florida, this place is only for thrill seekers and a place for you to almost blow out your eardrum.
            It’s an old time hang out spot, free from cell phone signal and any modern day electronics. The only amenities are an outhouse and numerous rope swings and metal slides that launch you off into the black water.  It’s certainly a well-known secret to the masses, but not enough to where you can go on any major holidays.
            Built by Bob him self, he sits out in an old plastic chair watching everyone enjoy his masterpiece. Lines for the high rope swings can get long but they’re certainly entertaining to stand in. Watching people do insane flips off the ropes can make you a little jealous to try and do them yourself. But be careful not to get overly confident, just because you’re 10 feet above the water that it wont hurt like you just landed on concrete; I certainly enjoyed that moment of mine.        

            But, if you just want to kick it back on the river and a bunch of friends, this place certainly is a place for you.  If you get tired of face planting into the river, there’s a little pool you can hang out in, or you can swim out to the middle of the river and sit on one of the floating platforms and watch some other poor schmuck almost blow out their eardrums.
